Currently you might ask? Tired and grumpy, but overall it's been a good day. I'm just in need of a good bit of slumber.
We began today's adventure at 4am. That's right 4 am! Tossing and turning trying to get the last few drops of sleep that I can muster. I then head out to do my very first triathlon with my sister.
It rains.
The race is pretty much canceled. What's left of it after the barrage (sp?) of weather is a 5k run. I've never kept pace for that sort of distance so my goal was just to be able to run the entire time. I had 3-4 moments where I walked for about 20 feet at a time... but ran the entire length save for those. I finished it at an average speed of 9:20/mi. AWESOME! I hope only improve with time and more training.
Brunch with the incredibly supportive fam.
And afterwards, I went ahead and biked the course. It's just as well that it was canceled. I got a flat in the process. That would have been pretty frustrating to encounter on my first tri.
Rest and talking with a new friend in the afternoon.
My piano students gave thier spring recital this evening and I couldn't be prouder of them. They played wonderfully!
Leading on into the evening...
A buddy of mine was having his engagement party. I was more than happy to be there. Even though there was a good handful of folks that I didn't know there. Good food, good visiting, and a bit of karaoke. The older crowd (parents and the like) left and it was us "young-uns" left at the lake.
My sentiments? I think that if someone is going to drink excessively, then they automatically give up thier rights to get what they want and care for themselves. It reduces them to a state of infancy - complete with temper tantrums. Understandably, I'm WIPED because of the long day, and I'm just looking to go to bed. Karaoke continued well past inebbriation, and then the "liquored-ups" thought it'd be a fun idea to go out past 1am on the boat and cart around a bit. Does anyone else think this is a BAD IDEA? Eulogys don't need to be written after an engagement party. One of the sober folks took action by hiding the keys. That was good.
Sleep still wasn't happening because of all the drama, so I just left and drove home. 20 mins. (For the record... not the best idea to wake someone just to tell them they can sleep somewhere else. Why wake them?) I know my irritation has a lot to do with my perspective though.
So, tired and grumpy. But overall good day.
Following God is at my heartbeat right now. Specifically wondering about his direction for me in the future... :-/
So much on my mind, and it's a good thing that I'm headed to bed now. Rest will do this weary body and soul a lot of good.
May blessings arise for you and yours. Seek out Christ.