Tuesday, January 25, 2005

God's faithfulness...

I've seen God's faithfulness in a few ways lately. I managed to make a road trip over the weekend and I came back home safely. I also have good health. Little things, that I'm afraid I take for granted far too often. Sunday morning on my way to Church my car broke down. Leaking antifreeze, a noise that I've never heard a car make before... I decided that I had to pull over. The hood of my car was only open for 30 seconds (at most 45 ;-) when one of the youth dads pulled in front asking if I needed a ride. There isn't any reason that He would have been on the road that early... save that he "thought" there was a meeting at church that morning. There wasn't one.

God is faithful

Got the car towed Monday and prayed about finances... we were afraid that it might cost in the 6-800 dollar range, but it was not. I was able to pay the bill out of pocket at under 200 bucks.

God is faithful

May you lean on Him and allow His grace to sustain you.


Sunday, January 23, 2005

Christmas family photo with my new digital camera. I love it!!! Posted by Hello

Cute couple. Even without the laser level;-) Posted by Hello

Ahh... fresh palette knives from Santa Claus. Who knew that woodworking tools could just as easily have come from an art supply store? Posted by Hello

Enjoying stories. Granddaddy seems to be getting a kick out of it! Posted by Hello

Jeff and Lisa with the Grandparents :-) Posted by Hello

Fun 'n' games after Christmas dinner and gift exchange.  Posted by Hello

Jeff, Mags, and Lisa Posted by Hello

Corless, Jeff, Lisa, and Jerry Posted by Hello

Brian and Dad chattin' it up. Made up possible commentary..."Yep, we should draw names closer to Christmas"- Dad; "Hmm... Sounds like a good idea" - Brian Posted by Hello

Amanda and Grandmother. Say, "cheese!!!" Posted by Hello

Here I am looking at my "table gift." Yay for reading! Posted by Hello

Jim demonstrating how he can read in bed now with his "table gift" ;-) Posted by Hello

Jerry with his "table gift" Posted by Hello

"table gifts" Posted by Hello

"table gifts" Posted by Hello

Lisa and Granddaddy enjoying their "chat time" Posted by Hello

Here I am. Artistic pose. Hope you enjoy;-) Posted by Hello
So... this is my first time to ever have a blog. This is also my first official post. Hopefully, I will be able to use this site to post some of my photos online for those that wish to see them.