Tuesday, January 25, 2005

God's faithfulness...

I've seen God's faithfulness in a few ways lately. I managed to make a road trip over the weekend and I came back home safely. I also have good health. Little things, that I'm afraid I take for granted far too often. Sunday morning on my way to Church my car broke down. Leaking antifreeze, a noise that I've never heard a car make before... I decided that I had to pull over. The hood of my car was only open for 30 seconds (at most 45 ;-) when one of the youth dads pulled in front asking if I needed a ride. There isn't any reason that He would have been on the road that early... save that he "thought" there was a meeting at church that morning. There wasn't one.

God is faithful

Got the car towed Monday and prayed about finances... we were afraid that it might cost in the 6-800 dollar range, but it was not. I was able to pay the bill out of pocket at under 200 bucks.

God is faithful

May you lean on Him and allow His grace to sustain you.


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