Thursday, August 11, 2005



"God LOVES it when we take risks... it makes us depend on Him"

This is something that I've heard before. I know it's truth firsthand. Though it was brought up again in a recent conversation related to my future with my former boss here at the church where I've been working. The first decision I have to make is whether I stay in the area and look for a job (which is near to friends, and where I've made considerable connections over the past year), or move home to my folks place and look for job there. It's risky to stay here in the area. My money situation is almost nil... I don't have the next job yet. I know that staying here would make me more dependent on God than if I were to move home. For that reason... I feel like maybe I should stick around. It's where my network is right now too - which is considerable (at least to my advantage).

At any rate... I was praying this morning for God to just provide for me. He is and shall... I need to depend on Him more. Just ten minutes ago or so... I got an offer for my taking on another student in private music lessons. God amazes...

Thank you for your faithfulness, Jesus. Give me the faith to take risks for you.

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