Monday, January 02, 2006

My New Year's Thoughts...

To quote someone close:

“You ready?!? Well… HERE WE GO! Another trip around the sun!!!” Kind of like that moment just as you coast over the very top of the first drop on a roller coaster.

I don’t really want to make any new year’s resolutions. I don’t want to have any intentions of grandiose ideas that I’m not sure that I can keep. I think it’s a whole lot better to have periodic assessments of myself and do my best to determine what areas of my life that I could improve upon. Something I have been pondering a lot lately is what are the areas of my life that are idols- anything that I pay more attention to over God; anything that I make more important to me than Him. I can think of a few… pride (anything “ME” centered); course doesn’t that some it up? I mean it seems to be at the root of anything else. I guess I’ll leave it at that. Bottom line is… I’m learning that a lot of my struggles (read… “self-inflicted heartache”), have to do with a lack of worship, or in general a lack of Jesus-focus. How can I run a straight course if I’m looking at my feet the whole time as opposed to the finish line?

Jesus never claimed that following Him is easy. It’s not, but it’s good.

Happy New Year, and HERE WE GO!!!


1 comment:

Tmproff said...

This is going to be a good trip around the sun this year because of new friends and new experiences. Lets sit back and enjoy the ride :)

Oh, and make "woosh" sounds