I will boast all the more in my imperfections because it is through my weaknesses that His strength is revealed, and made perfect.
It seems like there are so many things that are making me "knee-bent" lately; to relinquish my abilities and control in prayer.
I drove by a middle school today that an old highschool friend of mine went to. It was hard being reminded of her because it brings up so much emotion. She was killed by a drunk driver in 2004 and I am still upset about it. I'm mad with God. I'm frustrated to think that she may have died not knowing Jesus and may not be in Heaven right now. I never knew about the accident until months later and I wish I could have gone to her funeral.
One of our mutual friends was at church tonight. It was good to talk to her. She had been able to attend the funeral, but she admitted that not knowing where our friend stood spiritually was a hard thing about the funeral.
Jesus is teaching me many things about the role he plays in my life, and the needs I have that he satisfies... well basically how only HE can fit in that position. There is no substitute. I'm living on my own (let me clarify... without any roommates) for the first time in my life. It's very hard for me. God is using this time to mold and shape me into a more "Godly" man than I already am. I think he's also using it restore me. I'm a big crier and the last few living/social situations that I've been in were very hindering when it came to me feeling safe enough to be that vulnerable. It's me and God now (and my pet cockatiel;-) and it's safe to cry at ANY time. So... I'm doing it more often.
Here are a few thoughts which comfort me on the subject from an email a friend sent me a while back:
"Tearless grief bleeds inwardly and destroys." - Christian Nevell Bovee
"Let your tears come when they do. Let them water your soul." - Eileen Mayhew "Time engraves our faces with all the tears we've felt but have not shed." - Natalie Clifford Barney "Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are like rain upon the blinding dust of the earth, gently soaking and softening our hardened hearts." - Charles Dickens, Great Expectations, 1860
"I run across many people who are afraid to let themselves really cry - afraid that it might look weak and pathetic, afraid that they might never be able to stop, sick and tired of the constant feeling of wanting to, and therefore not truly "allowing" themselves to. But we have the desire to cry for a reason. God gave us this ability for a reason, and it is a blessing, and it has a sacred purpose, so let the tears flow whenever the urge hits. Forget all of the invalid programming of your past, about what's allowed and what's not, what's strong and what's not. Tears are the necessary lubricant of the heart and the place in which the deepest connection to God and each other is possible." - Jim Spivey
It is one of the deepest challenges we face as men. It is my hope that in my ability to fearlessly approach vulnerability... that that is attractive and not viewed as weak or pathetic. That it in turn is what sets apart a "real man" as opposed to one is afraid to cry. This is my hope and my fear at the same time. That latter quote is especially encouraging.
How long has it been since you cried?
My only other thoughts/encouragement comes again from my friend that wrote the email to me:
"For the person who can't start crying and wants to, my coaching can only come in the two words, "let it go". It will be hard, spiritual, counter-cultural work for sure. And for the person who can't seem to keep from crying, welling up in tears from the smallest things, and you want to stop, my coaching can only come in the two words, "let it all go".
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